April 21, 2022—OKC Aggie Muster

25 Feb

One of our favorite traditions is gathering for Aggie Muster. For 2022, we are honored to have Retired Army Major General David Rubenstein, class of 1977, as our keynote speaker.

Muster will be held Thursday, April 21st, starting at 6:00 pm at the Harn Homestead, which is located adjacent to the Oklahoma State Capitol. Dinner will be catered. Tickets are $30 for individuals; however, admission is free for (i) direct family members of the deceased; (ii) children under the age of 12; and (iii) active-duty service members. To help plan for the event, we kindly request that you purchase your tickets by April 14th. Notably, we will accept cash payments for admission at the event (although our strong preference is for you to purchase tickets in advance).

To purchase tickets online, please visit here or [https://buytickets.at/oklahomacityamclub/660224].

If you have a friend or family member who should be included in the Roll Call, please send his/her full name and class year to our Muster Chair, Hamilton Le (hamilton.s.le@gmail.com). Additionally, if you or your business have any items to contribute to the auction, please contact Leslie LaLonde (leslie.lalonde@yahoo.com).

Thanks & Gig’em, OKCAMC